Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Inter-class games on 3rd August!

Exciting Inter-class games on 3rd August!

Yesterday, on the 3rd of August, boys and girls turned up for inter class games after school. The games consisted of basketball, soccer and captain's ball. All the students were encouraged to take part in either one of it. Thus, many took part in the game, with their class shirts on and they took part in events which they were most interested it and devote their heart and sweat fully into it!

As witnessed from the event, all of the games started with a confident head start and ended with a friendly hand shake. Firstly for the captain's ball, it was an "all girls" game. Those students, who played, fought their wits till the end and those who weren't cheered till their throats went hoarse! Eyes could not leave any competition between any two classes at any moment. It was definitely an exciting sight. Although there were some disappointing moments as some classes lost, they picked themselves up and decided to move on! Needless to say, those who won jumped with delight and punched their fists into the air to express their glee! For the graduating classes, I believe they were at cloud nine when they won as it is their last year, and their championship made it a meaningful and memorable one.

The next anticipating game was the basketball event. It involved girls and boys. Due to the mixed gender and as the boys are more skilled in basketball, the team had to work well together to ace! Dribbling of ball, running for the ball and cheering from respective classes could be heard and seen every second. On-lookers stared at the intense of the whole competition which eyes bulged out and hearts thumping as though they were playing. Spectators were in awe of the team spirit and determination the players had. Overall, it was an enjoyable and entertaining show!

Last but not least, it was the soccer game. It was a "boys" game. They had to come in the proper outfit to suit the whole sporting event and show their seriousness towards the game. Regardless of the mud and sun, the players still gave their best and tried to shoot into the goal post. All wells end well, all of the participants had a good time of their life and smiles could be seen at every corner of the field.

In summary, the interclass games held was a success and it showcased sportsmanship, friendship, determination and the colaboration of all the altheletes. I believe it was right for the school to host such event to enhance these values within the students. I hope there will be such upcoming events similar to this.


  1. Although this is not finished yet, I find that this article was very well written.
    Those big words you used really caught my eye. I liked how you wrote about the feelings of the players too. :D

  2. Nice descriptive words. It really fills up the article, and I enjoy reading it. I agree with Pia, that I like the way you wrote about how the players felt.

  3. This is very enthusiastic and managed to raise the 'atmosphere' surrounding ther reader. Good job with the descriptions and use of adjectives!

    Do minimise (or remove) some of the exclamation marks though. An article is meant to sound objective and formal, and using fullstops will not diminish the spirit of enthusiasm you have in your article.

    Please continue on! I'm sure it'll be a great article.

    -Miss J. Tan

  4. AWESOOMME post, intereesting.
